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Welcome to Memorial United Methodist Church

Connecting every child and their family to the love and hope of Jesus Christ!

     Our worship service is live each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on the Memorial United Methodist Church Facebook page. Please join us!!

     Feb. 19, and Feb. 26, there will be the Come Thirsty book (Bible) Study on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. and again at 6:00 p.m. at Midway UMC. To participate, you will need the participant's guide. Also have the chapter completed before the meeting. 

     The Kannapolis Missional Network plans to have 4 joint worship services this year. The dates for these joint services are May 25, July 6, Aug. 31, and Nov. 23. Please check back for place and time for each of these services.

     We will be having our monthly game nights beginning on March 20. Plan to bring your favorite game. Game nights will be Thursdays from 6-7:30 p.m. There will always be a friendly game of Scrabble.

     Nifty Over 50 will be going to Mayflower Restaurant on Feb. 25. I will give more details about the time and travel arrangements when we get closer to the date.

      Ash Wednesday service will be at Midway UMC. There will be an service at noon and at 6:30. Each Wednesday after Ash Wednesday, there will be a Lenten worship service at Midway UMC at noon.

    Pastor Tina

Scripture for the Week

22 Happy are you when people hate you, reject you, insult you, and condemn your name as evil because of the Human One.

23 Rejoice when that happens! Leap for joy because you have a great reward in heaven. Their ancestors did the same things to the prophets.

(Luke 6:22-23 CEB)

This Week at Memorial





Sunday School 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.



Our next Noisy Offering

will be February 23, 2025. The collection for Feb. will go to Main Street Market Place/Meeting Place.

Thank you for visiting our website.

If you want to know more about our ministries and worship, join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM and see for yourself! 

Site Mailing List 
1100 West "C" Street | Kannapolis, NC 28081 | PH: 704.932.6711
Pastor Tina Thompson
Upper Room Sunday School 9:30
Worship 10:30